


IM Account Registration and Usage » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (IT-HK Carrie Siu, 2015-12-23 09:40) → Revision 8/9 (IT-HK Carrie Siu, 2015-12-23 10:09)

h1. Account Registration and Usage 帳號註冊及使用 

 | Date Modified : 2015.12.22    |    Modified By : Carrie Siu |  
 | Date Created : 2015.12.22     |    Created By : Carrie Siu    | 


 | Server Address    |    | 

 h2. Download Software 下載軟件 





 h2. Account Registration 帳號註冊 



 h2. Login 登入 

 h2. Find contacts and Add contacts 搜尋及新增用戶 



 h2. Videoconferencing 視訊會議 

 %{color:red} Need to install a plugin first 需要先安裝插件% 

 * [[Download and Install Plugin 下載及安裝插件]] 

 * [[Start a video conference 開啟視訊會議]] 
 * [[Invite others to the conference 邀請其他使用者參與視訊會議]]