


Email Delivery Test 測試電郵傳送 » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (IT-HK Carrie Siu, 2016-04-25 11:51) → Revision 16/17 (IT-HK Carrie Siu, 2016-04-25 11:57)

h1. Email Delivery Test 測試電郵傳送 

 | Date Modified : 2016.04.18    |    Modified By : Gene Leung |  
 | Date Created : 2016.04.18     |    Created By : Gene Leung    | 


 h2. This test will return the delivery status of an email by following the below steps. 
 !{width: 40%}eg.png! 


 h2. 1. Send an email, when writing, click Options > tick "Return Receipt" and "Delivery Status Notification" 
 1. 在Thunderbird傳送郵件至被測試郵箱,撰寫時在頁面上方的工具列點選「選項」-> 勾選「收件回執」和「遞送狀態通知」 
 !{width: 40%}draft.png! 

 h2. 2. If the email is deliveried successfully, you will receive an email of delivery status(See below picture) 
 2.  如果 +成功傳送+ 至對方的郵箱,你將收到一封帶有成功傳送訊息的郵件。(如下圖) 
 !{width: 60%}1.png! 

 h2. 3. Return Receipt sending request will be shown once the email is opened(See below picture) 
 3. 對方打開郵件時,會顯示回送要求(見下圖) 
 !{width: 60%}displayrequest.png! 
 *    If "Ignore Request" is clicked, nothing will be happened 
 %{color:blue}If "Send Receipt" is clicked, you will receive an email with the Return Receipt(See below picture)% 
 %{color:blue}This Return Receipt IS NOT EQUAL TO read by the receiver% 
 * 如對方按了「忽略要求」,則沒有任何回郵訊息。 如果對方按了「忽略要求」,則沒有任何回郵訊息。 
 %{color:blue}這回郵訊息並不代表對方已閱讀郵票內容% %{color:blue}如果對方按了「傳送回條」,你會收到一封郵件顯示對方已打開了郵件。(如下圖)% 
 !{width: 60%}displayed.png!