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IT-HK Gene Leung, 2016-01-17 23:36

Email Security 電郵保安

Date Modified : 2016.01.17 Modified By : Gene Leung
Date Created : 2016.01.17 Created By : Gene Leung

Spam and Junk

  • Never reply, click on a link in the message, or open any attachment
  • Block the sender
  • Report bad messages
  • Safeguard your email address, i.e., Don't use your work or main email address to register for shopping websites, to play online games, download software, join a discussion group


  • If you use a link or provide information, change the account password and contact support.
  • If you click a link, use a security program to scan the computer or device.

Attachments, Viruses and Malware

  • Do not open an attachment unless you are 100% sure it is intended for you and is not infected. If unsure, contact the sender by phone or send a fresh message to verify.
  • Save and scan attachments before opening.
  • Know how to use your security program and check it regularly.

BCC Option

  • Use of bcc option with integrity, so that spammers do not get hold of large lists of names

Sender Verification

Updated by IT-HK Gene Leung over 8 years ago · 2 revisions